Every now and then, The Acquiring Man will promote, endorse, or suggest products and/or services for sale that are not our own. Our recommendation is based on my our belief that the product or service and it’s author or provider will provide excellent and valuable information or service to our audience.
This could be based on a review of a product, coach, company, or entity, and/or a previous positive experience with the person or company who’s product we are recommending. In most cases, we will be compensated via a commission if you decide to purchase that product based on the recommendation or placement/click of a link. In other cases, we will receive the product for free for review purposes, or just to use. In some cases, our staff has used that product their own personal satisfaction, and/or in our business.
IMPORTANT: You are YOU and you are responsible for your own decisions and actions. ALWAYS do your OWN due-diligence before making any purchases, whether I recommend them or not. Every time. Never purchase anything that you cannot afford. Assume that if you click any link on this site, it is an affiliate.
Avoid purchasing products that do not have a clearly stated Money Back Guarantee, or that promise outrageous results, like “Getting Rich Fast With No Effort,” or some other off-the-wall claim. Making money takes hard work. Most people don’t do anything with the products they buy, and most of the time, their results are zero. Remember, there is no such thing as a “Free Ride”. Knowing is half the battle, good talk, see ya out there!