Anyone could drop a list of expensive and luxurious items to make this a sexy Valentine’s Day.
Some might even let the illustrious Melinda Hill give you her tips for making a sexy valentine’s day.
Let’s go with the latter…
6 Spicy Tips for a Sexy Valentine’s Day
1) When I go on a date with someone and they don’t contact me for 5 months, I break up with them.
2) It’s so important to value the sacred institution of marriage. (I’m not personally married but I do have a boyfriend and he’s married.)
3) My dad is Irish Catholic and my mom is Protestant so that makes me bisexual.
4) It’s true, I am buy-sexual. meaning when you buy me things I feel sexual.
5) I’m currently writing a song called “I kissed a girl and I liked it but when I had to touch her vagina I didn’t know what to do.”
6) Getting engaged is easy, even I recently got engaged. By changing my Facebook status to engaged.